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30 avril 2012

Le régime algérien & l'Azawad 1/2

"The Malien Crisis Seen from Algeria" est une analyse très intéressante sur la perception de la crise malienne par le régime algérien.

L'auteur, Thomas Seres, écrit que l'Algérie percoit la crise dans le nord du Mali comme une opportunitée d'obtenir un soutien de l'Occident pour les élections de mai en se positionnant comme un médiateur incontournable dans l'Azawad.

The success of the Tuareg rebels and their allies also has important implications given the upcoming legislative elections in Algeria that will prepare the succession of the Raïs Bouteflika. Western powers have called upon Algeria to support their efforts in solving this crisis, rendering them increasingly dependent on the cooperation of the regime, whose stability has  become a priority.  

Toujours selon l'auteur, l'Algérie utiliserait "la guerre mondiale contre le terrorisme" comme une occasion d'obtenir une «rente géopolitique».

De facto, Algeria is a key player in the Sahel, perhaps now more than ever. The crisis in Libya and Mali will likely bolster the geopolitical rent that has benefited the Algerian regime since 11 September 2001. As long as the country is involved in the so-called “war on terror,” its international partners are forced to avoid making any interference in Algerian affairs. Interested in maintaining the stability of the country, they must also court the (widely corrupt) military aristocracy, which is a key player in political decisions. With the upcoming legislative elections in May that will determine the succession of Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the Malian crisis provides the military elite a welcome occasion to make itself indispensable in the eyes of its international partners.

Les Chroniques du [CyberKabyle].

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